Chasing Twenty Three

The tongue, or palmar region of the mouth is made up of the gums and the tongue.


The tongue may be thick or thin


The first part of the tongue to appear is the lingual or lip part. It is very soft. The lingual part also has many folds or grooves. There is usually no visible opening in the tongue; however, there may be a small opening called a papilla that is slightly bigger than the opening of the nose. This papilla is responsible for the movement of the uvula or any other nasal airway hairs.


Tonsil stones can form when the tonsils are not removed; they are white patches on the surface of the tongue that irritate the mucous membranes around the teeth and the back of the throat. They may have an odor and taste like cottage cheese or even an apple.


Sometimes, the tonsils cannot be cleaned properly; they can collect dirt, bacteria, and food particles and become lodged in the creases of the teeth. These accumulate and cause cavities. Eventually the tonsils may rupture and produce a stone.


The next part of the tongue is the fundus or back portion. The tip of the tongue is called the papillae. The papilla is a single rounded projection that is shaped as a crescent. The tip of the tongue is the back part of the tongue that does not connect to the tonsils.


The uvula and the maxilla are two bones that are located at the back part of the head and on either side of the tip of the tongue. They are made up of bone tissues that are in close contact with the uvula. The maxilla and the uvula are not connected by the hard tissues of the tongue.


The third part of the tongue is the uvula


This bone is located just above the center of the mouth. The tip of the uvula is called the uvula bones. This bone is used in communication with the throat, mouth and lungs.


The four bones in the tip of the tongue are called the papilla. The top of the papilla is called the base of the tongue. The tip of the tongue is the tip of the papilla.


The base of the uvula is the top of the tip of the tongue. It also has a bone that is used in communication with the jaw bone. The second bone in the tip of the tongue is called the uvula's ridge bone. It is found between the uvula and the tip of the tongue.


The three bones in the side of the mouth are called the frontal bone of the skull, or paranasal bone of the skull, and the frontal bone of the jaw. These bones are used in the formation of the lower jaw. and the face. The front of the skull is also referred to as the skull base.


There are other bones that make up the tip of the tongue. They are known as the maxillary bones. They are found in the upper part of the back of the mouth. The dentary bones of the jaw. They are found in the corners of the mouth.


The ethmoid bones are located just behind the ears. They are made up of cartilage that provides support for the jaw bone. The triangular bone of the tongue. The uvula bone is the middle of the tongue.


Finally, the tongue may contain bone spurs that are present in a bone called the adenoids. The bones are a part of the uvula. These bone spurs provide support for the vocal chords.

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