Chasing Twenty Three

The vestibular canals of the inner ear are connected to the brain through the auditory canal, where sound waves are converted into chemical signals that are interpreted by the brain. The inner vestibular canals have a complex network of tubes and ducts that forming a canal that extends into the brain.   The inner ear consists of three small semicircular canals, each with one or more ampulla, which are air-filled…

Swollen lymph nodes are a common symptom of congestive heart failure   They are found in the neck or the groin area and occur without warning and without any identifiable cause. This article will describe some causes of swollen lymph nodes and ways to control them. The symptoms and diagnosis can be complicated, so if you suspect that your neck is feeling warm and have unexplained pain or pressure in…

Scintillating scottoma is a condition in which patients see alternating, flickering and highly intense flashes of light that appear on one side of their head. It usually starts between the ages of thirty and fifty and can continue to recur periodically for up to six months, or even longer. The positive aspect of this scottoma, comprised of bright colored and black-colored zigzagging lines, is often accompanied by a dark negative…

The big homie Eric Thomas is doing his thing. Seriously, check out the video below. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. And once you taste a slice of success, you’ll want the whole pie. Breathe University Enrollment Open ENROLL NOW: Get your Copy of Eric’s Audiobook by following the links below… Amazon - Audible - iTunes - If you are ordering from Europe, please…

Afternoon Chasing23 Family, “The ability to learn is older- as it is also more widespread – than is the ability to teach.” Margaret Mead Just wanted to share some valuable information that I received from this training VIDEO that i was going through this morning. This video showed me. ” HOW TO ADD AN OPT-IN FORM TO A BLOG POST.” and I also learned a traffic strategy to use with…

I remember growing up and always hearing ” Practice makes perfect.” And then Ironically, I watched Eric Thomas Latest TGIM Video and his message was repetition. This message went right with how I was feeling. Before I started to write this post. I was doing some reading on success rituals and habits. I’m looking to create my own success ritual in my life. I need to have some organization with…