The mission of is to educate bloggers around the world on how to make money online through blogging. Whether it be personal branding, offline business, or network marketing. The training, coaching, and inspiration that you’ll receive will make a major impact on your blogging career.

Why am I doing this? Because like many, I struggled for awhile building an income online. I was a victim of impatience and no guidance. It wasn’t till I got around the right people who began to mentor and coach me that I was able to make a financial breakthrough online.

The goal of is to encourage bloggers to know that, making money online is very simple. Making money from blogging isn’t a one-trick pony. There are various streams of income that can be generated from blogging. From Affiliate marketing to direct sales there’s no limitations on where blogging can take you.

It’s all about strategy. And here at Chasing23 we build strategies.

I’m extremely excited about this opportunity to connect with you. This can be the opportunity of a lifetime if you treat it as one.